There are a few things I see much of here in Tampa Florida. Two of these things are broken windshields and homeless people.
My current boss, Rob Arnold, has figured out a way to help solve both of these problems. Rob owns a local auto glass repair company in Oldsmar, Florida, that he calls "fix my quack". Armed with his ability to hire people, Rob uses his power to help make Oldsmar a better place to live for everyone by, you guessed it, hiring homeless people. He uses what he has available to him to make a difference, and it pays off.
Rob will tell you, as he has me told me, that he has never been what you would consider a "street sleeper". He has never had to deal with a life that depends on the "help cup". However, Rob has seen his share of the local homeless here in Oldsmar and elsewhere. Rob will also tell you that his experiences with the homeless have led him to a lack of sympathy for the homeless. He runs on empathy and understanding. A thought process I wish more people (including myself) would learn to run off. Rob is proof to me that you do not need the have sympathy to play your part in making the world a better place. Understanding will do the trick.
Rob has a lot going for him too. Rob hired me on the spot, knowing I was homeless and not knowing that just a week before, a man at a sales job interview told me straight out that he would not hire me, simply because I was homeless. Rod rolled the dice on me, as he has done for several other homeless people.
Rolling the dice on a homeless person is not an easy thing to do. There is much Rob can loose in this act, time and money to name a few. However, he is relentless and continues to go against the grain. Because Rob does this he is actually helping take the homeless off the streets, which in turn make Oldsmar, Florida a more homeless friendly place. This then helps drive local business and residents, which in turn, makes Tampa, Florida in a much nicer place to live for everyone, the homeless and home-living people alike. All of this together makes America better and stronger and let's face it, currently, there is no lack of need for that cause.
Rob does not set out to change the world. If you ask him he will probably tell you he is just doing what he feels is the right thing to do. However, whether he likes it or not, he is changing the world. One helping hand at a time. I have to have respect for this man. I have to! Its hard to find support for the homeless cause without adding sympathy into the mix. Sympathy seems to me to be the most common characteristic on the topic. It's cool to see someone that's driven simply by understanding, an understand that says "In using the ability that I have to offer, in an effort to make life better for others, will result in a positive reaction". That's an idea I can stand behind, even without sympathy.
Recently I have said that no act of kindness is better than another. A small act of kindness can very easily have the same equal effect and outcome as a large act of kindness. I stand by that. When it comes to the actual "act" for doing right we should use what we have available to us. Me, I write blog posts. Some people make movies. Some people make food. Some people raise money. Some people collect clothing. Some people simply hand out donations. Rob uses his local business to provide jobs for homeless people.
For as much has all of these gifts are different, all are also the same. These are all acts of kindness that help transform America, and the world, into a better place. Also, they all produce positive results. Having a relentless attitude towards your good work will spark interest and open doors for you. Because Rob is relentless in his good work his business is going places. His business is not only growing but Rob is also becoming a community leader. A fine example to others that simply using your skills to do good things will, even against the grain, eventually lead you to a very fulfilling life. A life where you know you used your skills to helped others. Because of that Rob is gaining a stronger ability to hire more people. Rob's business is still a small up and coming company. However, Rob will soon be opening larger operations inside the community, I hope to follow this. I know some of the players involved in his work. I think you might be shocked to see some of the people who have an eye on Rob do to his good work.
Use your skills. Do what you can. Be relentless about it. Don't be afraid to go against the grain. Help others, and big things will happen. That's just my IMO!
Homelessrob Has A Plan
My day by day life as a homeless man. I give opinions about homelessness, tell stories, and offer homeless tips for surviving homelessness. Also, I share my plan on escaping homelessness. You get to watch my struggle.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Monday, December 1, 2014

"Homelessness is the condition of people without a regular dwelling. People who are homeless are most often unable to acquire and maintain regular, safe, secure, and adequate housing, or lack "fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence." The legal definition of "homeless" varies from country to country, or among different jurisdictions in the same country or region. The term homeless may also include people whose primary night-time residence is in a homeless shelter, a warming center, a domestic violence shelter, a vehicle (including recreational vehicles and campers),cardboard boxes, a tent, tarpaulins, or other ad hoc housing situations. American Government homeless enumeration studies also include persons who sleep in a public or private place not designed for use as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings."
Thank you for clearing that up Wiki!
Me... I agree, but only to a point! This is a weak definition of "Homelessness" as far as I can see. As I know it to be, homelessness is also a "state of mind ". Wiki has no definition for "state of homelessness".
To me "homelessness" is more a state of mind than anything else. Sure, not having a place to sleep is part of it. However, while in the state of mind, the "state of homelessness", things are much worse, much harder than described in this Wiki definition.
Being homeless is not just about where to sleep. I think that after the first few nights sleeping outside it sort of becomes easy, as odd as that might sound. Homeless people finding a place to sleep is really not that hard. Its really just a matter of looking around and finding what you're comfortable with. Over the years you will be surprised what you find comfortable. Heck, after a few years on the streets I find I can now sleep just about anywhere. I can sleep through a train riding straight through my room. I can sleep in the car with no problem. Fall asleep at work - done! I'll fall asleep right now, watch!
zzzzz zzz zzzzzzz zzzzz
Oh hey, sorry!
My point is this: homelessness is still not the black and white topic (as Wiki points out), as I said years ago. Homelessness is colorful and (in my eyes), and full of wonder. It's a state of mind. I believed I was homeless, so I was indeed, homeless. I believed it so much that I constantly tossed myself into that life the first very moment I felt I was going to be without a place to sleep. That's called the "homeless prep". It was only after I discovered this and made changes that I became what Wiki might call "Unhomelessness", lol!
Today, as I predicted (read back if you must ), Homelessness is in the news more than ever, and for all the wrong reasons. Homelessness is as much a "state of mind" as is it a reality. The two go hand in hand and are equal, I believe. Homelessness is also a market (also something I stated before), and that's why it's in the top news today. Think about that for a second. The news, the laws, the money, the organizations, and the donations. I believe this topic IS the American backbone (whether good or bad). If it was not, then why is it on everyone's radar? Why is everyone acting on it? Why is it all over my Facebook news feed? Why is it constantly in the news now?
These are trying times for Americas. Coming from someone who has been there, I beg you to never look at homelessness in a black and white fashion. That's where the reality of homelessness begins and the sink starts. After awhile, Wiki will have something to say about you.
People, free your minds and always look up. Unless you're helping a homeless person up out of the gutter!
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Homeless No More! Me and My Beautiful Girlfriend!
For all my many years down in the dump it seems God himself had bigger plans for me. LOL, nothing I ever planned for or set out to do, but as I have learned over the years, no matter how much you plan, you have to be ready for surprises. For example, you can plan a vacation trip and that might work out great, but in planning your life - well, get ready for the unexpected!
Today I did not expect to be better off AFTER a spree of homelessness than I was beforehand. I did not expect to be a nationally branded on/off line marketer. I did not expect to be making the money I am or drive the nice car a own. No, no! I expected, my life long plan to work, lol.
I was doing fine enough in life..... Then I was homeless for years. Now I'm doing better than I could have ever imagined!
I have so much to be grateful for. Particularly, that beautiful woman to your right.
Rose, the only woman I ever had in my life who didn't care if I was poor or well off. She is the only woman I have ever had in my life who simply loves me just because I'm me. She is my most biggest supporter and she is my best friend.
Unfortunately, I can't market her! Otherwise, I'd make sure we all have a Rose-type person in all our lives. Someone to love you unconditionally. NOPE, SORRY! This Rose is all mine!
I love you, Rose!
My unexpected, God granted, love!
Today I did not expect to be better off AFTER a spree of homelessness than I was beforehand. I did not expect to be a nationally branded on/off line marketer. I did not expect to be making the money I am or drive the nice car a own. No, no! I expected, my life long plan to work, lol.

I have so much to be grateful for. Particularly, that beautiful woman to your right.
Rose, the only woman I ever had in my life who didn't care if I was poor or well off. She is the only woman I have ever had in my life who simply loves me just because I'm me. She is my most biggest supporter and she is my best friend.
Unfortunately, I can't market her! Otherwise, I'd make sure we all have a Rose-type person in all our lives. Someone to love you unconditionally. NOPE, SORRY! This Rose is all mine!
I love you, Rose!
My unexpected, God granted, love!
Friday, November 28, 2014
Homeless America
It's a bit of the truth from where I stand.
Reading back through some of my older posts I begin to realize just how on-point I was about a lot of things, except my own life. Most definitely my post about Tampa Florida. Believe me, I wish I was wrong. I wish today I had no reason to write this post at all. I wish it was all different. I wish I was wrong about everything. And today I wish I never heard the words "homeless America" in my head.
Those two words - "Homeless America" - have led me back here and have compelled me to once again, take action. Why? Well, not that I'm an expert on the topic (plenty of people have lived on the bottom and have risen to the top), but because maybe my story here is not as finished as I thought. Maybe I have more to offer than "hey, I made it, thanks for reading". Or perhaps, I'm here again because I know so much of what it's like it wish for so much and never see it happen.
"Homeless America" - where did it come from? I think it came from my experiences in the streets. The feeling I had as a homeless person trying to make it up. It came from realizing (after 5 years) at some point in my life the part of me that loves to self destruct. And I did just that! And that's what left me in the streets.
How do I relate that to "homeless America"? Easy! I relate America's present state to my thinking, as a homeless person. In my mind, the two are intertwined.
As a homeless person, I could not help it that every day I felt anger, anxiety, fear, shame, indignation, envy, confusion and hopeless.
And today, as an American, I can't help but feel anger, anxiety, fear, shame, indignation, envy, confusion and hopeless.
Its not a coincidence. I know these feelings well. I nearly drowned in these feelings for years while I slept on park benches night after night. No, I'm not an expert! I just feel that today, I know what it feels like to be homeless. I've been there, and I made it out! So I can relate, and I can speak!
Reading back through some of my older posts I begin to realize just how on-point I was about a lot of things, except my own life. Most definitely my post about Tampa Florida. Believe me, I wish I was wrong. I wish today I had no reason to write this post at all. I wish it was all different. I wish I was wrong about everything. And today I wish I never heard the words "homeless America" in my head.
Those two words - "Homeless America" - have led me back here and have compelled me to once again, take action. Why? Well, not that I'm an expert on the topic (plenty of people have lived on the bottom and have risen to the top), but because maybe my story here is not as finished as I thought. Maybe I have more to offer than "hey, I made it, thanks for reading". Or perhaps, I'm here again because I know so much of what it's like it wish for so much and never see it happen.
"Homeless America" - where did it come from? I think it came from my experiences in the streets. The feeling I had as a homeless person trying to make it up. It came from realizing (after 5 years) at some point in my life the part of me that loves to self destruct. And I did just that! And that's what left me in the streets.
How do I relate that to "homeless America"? Easy! I relate America's present state to my thinking, as a homeless person. In my mind, the two are intertwined.
As a homeless person, I could not help it that every day I felt anger, anxiety, fear, shame, indignation, envy, confusion and hopeless.
And today, as an American, I can't help but feel anger, anxiety, fear, shame, indignation, envy, confusion and hopeless.
Its not a coincidence. I know these feelings well. I nearly drowned in these feelings for years while I slept on park benches night after night. No, I'm not an expert! I just feel that today, I know what it feels like to be homeless. I've been there, and I made it out! So I can relate, and I can speak!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
HEY YOU.... Please "like" me!
I have to say that this blog has taken a turn, lol! What did you ever expect from me? It started about a year and a half ago and has taken me places I never thought I would go. It has surrounded me with a great group of friends and has personally shown me that all things are possible.... if you are willing to work for it and put it all on the line.
Now that I'm off the streets its time for my next move. Its time to see if I can become a success. I won the homeless fight. I need to win this fight also. Don't we all fight for success after all?
Please come over and like my new Facebook Fan Page! See all the cool things I'm doing today.
Now that I'm off the streets its time for my next move. Its time to see if I can become a success. I won the homeless fight. I need to win this fight also. Don't we all fight for success after all?
Please come over and like my new Facebook Fan Page! See all the cool things I'm doing today.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Top 10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Starting An MLM
There are many great multi-level marketing companies in operation and some exceptional ones. Unfortunately, there are also some that give the industry a bad name. Therefore, you need to know what to look for before committing your time, money and dreams to an MLM company that will only give you heartache.
Don’t let anyone try to rush you into making a decision. Take your time, do your due diligence and make sure you feel right about everything before signing on the dotted line. Don’t let all of the hype cloud your good judgment.
It is not enough to just choose a great company. I recommend only the best companies, but this doesn’t assure that they will all be right for you. The secret is to find the company that stirs your passion and feels as though it was created and designed especially for you.
To find such a company you need to explore several areas. I have a list of questions to help you do this exploration. The questions are in a useful order, although the order itself is not necessary in order for you to make the right decision. The following is my list of the top 10 questions you need to and, and the find answers to before you make a decision:
#1 What is the product or service you are asked to promote?
Unless you believe in a product or service enough to want to buy it and use it yourself, how can you promote it? Your passion has to start here. (In the future, when you read the word “product,” realize that in most cases this also includes “service.”) With all of the top MLM companies, this is the heart and soul of the business. This is what gives the company – your business – its longevity. The fact is that the biggest reason that many MLM companies fall apart is because there is no demand for the product. If you can get passionate about the product and feel that others will as well, then you are ready to ask the next question.
#2 How much does the product cost the consumer?
The product should be priced well enough so that it does not become an issue. You have enough to do in building an MLM business that you don’t want to have to spend your time trying to justify the price. When you are convinced that people will want the product and it is priced well, you can move on to the other questions.
#3 Who are the leaders of the company and what are their strengths?
The leadership of any company is important, but with MLM companies it plays an even more prominent role. In this case, at least one of the leaders is almost always the founder. They created the company. It is their mission statement and vision that sets the direction and tone of the company. Some important sub-questions to ask include: What did they do before leading this MLM? How did they come together as a team? What is their experience and reputation? Once you feel you can be proud of the leadership team and respect their judgment and decisions, you can move onto the next question.
#4 Does the MLM company seem financially sound?
A big reason that companies in general fail is that they are under-capitalized when they launch and/or they don’t have enough money in reserves to get them through their first two years. Learning this information may take some time and effort on your part, but remember that I am here to help you. Most companies are proud to disclose their financials, or at least part of them, to the public. It is when you can’t find anything about their finances that you should begin to worry.
#5 How long has the MLM company been in business?
90% of the MLM companies that go out of business do so within their first two years of operation. Therefore, as a general rule, it makes sense to wait until a company has celebrated its two year anniversary before joining them. It is important to note here, however, that if you are happy with all of the answers to the other questions, you may not want to wait. Sometimes it is good to get in on the ground floor, when a company is new and exciting. The actual age of the company is not as important as its growth. If it has been around a long time, just make sure that the growth trend line is still positive.
#6 Does the MLM company enjoy a positive reputation?
The company’s reputation should, of course, be important to you, since its credibility will impact your personal credibility. This also goes both ways. In your search for the company’s reputation, especially if you plan to do it online, I would like to issue a warning: Don’t believe everything you read! Unfortunately, many reviews are planted by competitors or individuals who have something else they are promoting. They can also are written by disgruntled associates who failed because they didn’t follow the “lesson plan.” Obviously, there are legitimate complaints as well, but it often takes thorough investigation to get to them.
#7 Are the marketing materials dynamic and accurate?
It is not your job to create your own marketing materials. They should be supplied by the company, and you should feel proud and confident to use them. They have to be eye catching, because of all of the competition that is out there. They also must clearly and honestly state all the benefits of the product, in addition to describing the other aspects of the business.
#8 Is there a WOW factor to the website and does it have a strong “back office?”
Today, every viable MLM company has a great website to attract customers, as well as people who want to build a team. The key to us is whether or not they have an up-to-date “back office” for those who want to build a large business. This is essential for tracking everything about your personal business, including monitoring how everyone on your team (your downline) is doing.
#9 What kind of support will the company give me?
Without support, the MLM business is very tough. The good news is that most MLM companies have a well thought-out marketing plan, as well as an action plan to promote both the product and to help you recruit independent distributors. Most MLM companies also offer extensive training, in addition to company-wide, regional and local events. The biggest breakdown in support usually has more to do with your sponsor – the person who introduced you to and enrolled you in the company – and the team that he or she is on. Some sponsors are new to the MLM system and have had no real experience in business world to offer. When this is the case, you need to find someone in your upline that can mentor you. Sometimes this seems nearly impossible. It should be noted that, regardless of the experience of your sponsor or those in your upline willing to help you, it really gets down to you and your own efforts. I know many network marketers who become highly successful with zero help from others.
#10 What is the compensation program and how does it work?
I put this question last, knowing full well that it is one of the most important issues to some. After all, MLM is a business. However, without receiving positive responses to the other nine questions, does the compensation program really matter? Don’t mistake us for thinking that how, when, and how much you are paid isn’t critical. It is extremely important and takes the most time to understand. It requires that you read the fine print of the agreement to get all of the facts before signing to join as a distributor. Misunderstanding the full compensation program causes more unhappiness than any other issue. Knowing this, Home Based Business Success Center has researched hundreds of MLM companies, paying particular attention to their compensation program. This has put us in a position to assist you in finding a company that meets your financial needs and goals.
Written by Tony Shays
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Saturday, April 20, 2013
I Don't Want to Pay Money, Booooo Boooooo!
People like this really get under my skin. This is someone who, in my opinion, is lazy and spends a lot of time in life crying. It was not that long ago I was living on the streets without a penny in my pocket, dreaming of ways to make money and go forth into a livable life. I never shed a tear about it. However, you even mention to someone they might have to pay a start-up cost to work online at home and Oh, BOY! Grab the tissue paper.
This is simple, if you don't understand that every business in the world has some start-up cost you shouldn't be doing business in the first place. Yes, online businesses have start-up costs also!
There are some differences though. The biggest difference is that when you start your own business from brick you are probably going to be paying a lot more than you would for a website store front. A website store front might cost you about $300 if you pay someone to do it (or about $25 if you do it the way I tell people to do it).
This is why I'm looking at MLMs. MLMs are designed so that I can work online and with a ready made product. MLMs solves all of my problems. I'm going to pay a low price to work with a ready made business and that's my start-up.
Its really that simple! You cannot say one day "I want to own my own business online but I have no idea what to sell" then cry later "I was looking around for things to market online and they all want money". That is ridicules!
You have to understand that the price start-up price is going to set you up at home. They are giving you the material needed to work from home. DO you know how to build a website? Can you build a back office? Maybe a second webpage also a capture page? Are you willing to pay even more money to brand yourself? I can tell you these things add up! I'm not in that position these days. I'll be looking for a company that offers me their whole package for one simple start-up cost. When I find the right company believe me, I won't be crying "I want a business but I don't want to start by paying any money"!
The next step for me is to start looking for the right MLM.
Oh, I forgot to mention - for those of you who don't fully understand that starting any business costs money, you can choose to look at it like I do - get it for FREE!
Yes. Go down to your Secretary of States office, apply for a sole-proprietorship (50$), give it a name (Mine is BTM of Bottom to Top Marketing), make sure they labeled you has a home based business. This way you are entitled to up to $8,000 in Tax returns, meaning that because you should never spend even a fraction of that on any online business you should not just be able to start for free, but you should also be able to start making the money right away.
Now, if that does not make sense, or if it makes sense and you are saying to yourself right now "I HAVE TO DO THAT TO)!" you might as well just go ahead and settle into your lazy-boy chair, turn on some Law and Order, pull that tissue box a little closer, and settle in for what's going to be the rest of your life.
Me - I just came out of the gutter and I'm NOT going back!
Note: Above is a video I'm using to show people that in fact there are huge tax incentives for having a home based business. However, it is not the one I wanted to post. In the one I wanted it actually said that the startup cost of any MLM is included in this Tax right off (for the non-believers).
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